Your Fortune: Regular is a personal response to a four week solo journey through Japan. Through photographs and text the work attempts to express the sometimes contradictory experiences of awe, wonder, confusion, isolation and vulnerability experienced whilst exploring a previously unknown and alien country and culture.
Your Fortune: Regular, Sylvia Waltering, Battenburg Press, November 2015
French-sewn hardback with printed cover, edition of 28.

Status contains seven months of facebook status updates commenting on daily life and current affairs. The more mundane and universal ‘statuses’ are interspersed with subliminal ‘messages’ charting the somewhat stubborn or possibly naïve pursuit of an unwilling lover.
The book is the size of an iPhone, yet it is made using a typewriter and using traditional bookbinding methods, thus also commenting on the changes in human interaction and communication through social networking media and modern technology.
Status, Edition of 25, Summer 2010

Orlando presents the marginalia found in one complete copy of Orlando: A Biography by Virgina Woolf. The original text of Woolf’s novel has been completely removed and the resulting book presents only the comments, writings and scribbles found in the margins of the original paperback. It explores issues of authorship and re-appropriation.
Orlando, Edition of 10, Spring 2012

Individual contributors were selected and approached with the simple request to provide an object that had a special story or memory attached. They were asked to record that story, yet not reveal it. The loaned objects acted as muse and stimulation for writing to unfold, creating new narrative potential. The publication contains photographs of the belongings and the writings they inspired.
A Battenburg Press collaboration - Lucy May Schofield & Sylvia Waltering
Belongings, Summer 2009, edition of 90

The Mrs Day Collections is a collaboration with artist Jacqueline Butler. The work addresses the authenticity of archives and collections and the notion of memory through artistic exploration and response.
Home Truths: The ‘Life’ of Mrs Olive G. Day, Installation, Holden Gallery, Manchester, 2009
Victory Garden: The ‘Life’ of Mrs Olive G. Day, Installation, RHS Tatton Flower Show, 2013
Mrs Olive G Day's Portable Archive Box, Media Materiality: Towards Critical Economies in "New" Media, Asterisk Gallery, San Francisco, USA, 2015.

All content 2024 © Sylvia Waltering